EXTREME HELICOPTERS! Collection of incredible landings, takeoffs
EXTREME HELICOPTERS! Collection of incredible landings, takeoffs

EXTREME HELICOPTERS! Collection of incredible landings, takeoffs

A great collection of extreme and incredible helicopters, including an unbelievable disembarkation by helicopter, two Westland Lynx helicopters dancing, chinook amazing landing and incredible reverse take-off, acrobatics flights, the flying bulls aerobatics, a Swordfish and a Lynx helicopter almost touching, incredible landings and takeoffs, impressive low pass flybys, touch and go, insane helicopter pilots with incredible skills, crazy choppers, landing and take-off in heavy wind conditions and crosswind, insane aerobatics made by incredible pilots, epic stunts, super helicopters, very low fly-by and performances in the sky at the limit that seems they are going to crash, situations where pilot skill and quick thinking saved the day, back flips, Eurocopter landing in strong winds, Chinook nose dive and doing a very tight tern, reverse emergency landing and take-off, a Bell 206 "Jet Ranger" helicopter versus Antonov An-124 and much more.. a top 20 compilation you cannot miss!

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