Found a child Alien in Mexico, the test of the dna has upset the doctors!
Found a child Alien in Mexico, the test of the dna has upset the doctors!

Found a "child" Alien in Mexico, the test of the dna has upset the doctors!

There are no words to describe this story, all of it hard to believe but the evidence seems to prove that this creature might really be an alien!

Marao Lopez, this is the name of the farmer who has found this very strange to be living like a man but also to a reptile. The pictures are really amazing but the story is even more. The area where Lopez has found the alien is famous because of numerous UFO sightings but public opinion has always denigrated locals considering them ignorant and poorly educated. The absurd thing about the mysterious disappearance of Lopez then found charred in meters from his car. Governments around the world have always tried to cover similar events, famous it is the case of the 51 no coincidence that the most secure military base in the world. There are rumors of alien experiments conducted on this basis since the distant 50s. The fact is that these issues are always eclipsed and fewer people want to discover the truth related to these incidents. Why Marao Lopez died following the discovery of the alien? He saw something he could not see? Here's the video with its histor.

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