And Here's the gun more evolved in the world... Guarantees an accuracy of shooting of the 100 %
And Here's the gun more evolved in the world... Guarantees an accuracy of shooting of the 100 %

And Here's the gun more evolved in the world... Guarantees an accuracy of shooting of the 100 %

Another great idea for the US Military this new sniper rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]

TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was created in March 2011. The company officially launched a publicly available product in January 2013.[3] TrackingPoint's precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:
Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.[4][5] Barrel Reference System: A fixed reference point that enables the networked tracking scope to make adjustments and retain zero over time. The barrel reference system is factory calibrated to a laser reference.

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